Maguire Chalices

The Maguire chieftains were generous patrons of the Church.
Under their rule, many churches were restored. They donated land, cattle and church vessels.
Today, there is a record of five unique chalices associated with the Maguire chieftains.
These chalices are now scattered throughout the world from Scotland to Canada.
Perhaps the most famous is the Dunvegan Chalice, 1493
This beautiful cup is formed in the shape of a mether, an Irish drinking vessel. It is inscribed with the details:
Katherina, daughter of Mac Rannal, wife of John Maguire, Prince of Fermanagh, caused me to be made in the year of the Lord, 1493. The eyes of all hope in Thee O Lord that Thou givest them bread in due season.
The original is now housed in Dunvegan Castle, the Isle of Skye.